Transformer is a device that transfers electric energy from one alternating-current circuit to one or more other circuits, either increasing (stepping up) or reducing (stepping
Transformer is a device that transfers electric energy from one alternating-current circuit to one or more other circuits, either increasing (stepping up) or reducing (stepping
Electrical design is the process of planning and creating electrical equipment, such as electrical components, schematics, lighting equipment, power systems, and telecommunications infrastructure. Electrical design software and tools address the specific workflows for electrical controls systems designers.
LT / HT Panel is an electrical distribution board that receives power from generator or transformer and distributes the same to various electronic devices and distribution boards.
A SCADA system refer to a system consisting of a number of remote terminal units (or RTUs) collecting field data connected back to a master station via a communications system. The master station displays the acquired data and also allows the operator to perform remote control tasks.
PLC is an industrial computer that monitors inputs and outputs to make decisions based on based on the program stored to the PLC’s memory. The use of PLC’s help to reduce human decision-making efforts to gain higher efficiency. PLCs incorporate internal relays that can function as a physical relay would, and eliminate the relay footprint driving costs down.
Electrical engineers work with electrical systems, designing, developing and testing them. Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest fields in engineering and one of the most populated. Mechanical engineering is the study of objects and systems in action.
Instrumentation is a collective term for measuring instruments that are used for indicating, measuring and recording physical quantities. The term has its origins in the art and science of scientific instrument-making.
Insulation is the term used for a variety of materials used to reduce the transfer of energy. Insulation is used around electric wires to protect the wire from the environment or the environment (like people) from the wire. It is a key safety feature in wiring.
Electrical installations means the construction or installation of electrical wiring and the permanent attachment or installation of electrical products in or on any structure that is not itself an electrical product.
Piping is done with rigid joints whereas tubing is done with rigid hard tempered joints. Tubing comes in soft tempered rolls as well. It has to be remembered that the sizing is not affected by the temper of copper.